
The 144 acres of the Hakuna Matata Resort are situated 2.5 hours north of Sydney and 1 hour north-west of Newcastle. Newcastle airport is 40 minutes from the resort, and transfers can be arranged to and from the airport.

21 Paperbark Place, Booral NSW 2425


Driving from Newcastle north along the Pacific Highway, turn left onto Bucketts Way. Drive for about 25 minutes and turn right at Booral onto Booral Road. The first left, 3 kilometres down the road, is Paperbark Place, and Hakuna Matata Resort is located at number 21 with a black post and rail fence and the Hakuna Matata sign clearly visible from the street. Drive into the carpark and your host should meet you at the shed home 200 metres along the driveway.

Want to make a booking or discuss your needs?

Contact Kieran on 0413 027 468 or email

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It means 'no worries', for the rest of your days...
it's a problem-free philosophy ... Hakuna Matata!